Metallographic Analysis Services

Delamination Testing – Optical coating removed on tape

Delamination Testing - Delamination of an optical coating occurred when it was subjected to a low-adhesion tape pull test. The optical coating could not be seen on the tape by the naked eye, but with the use of the Nomarski phase interference contrast microscopy, it was easily visible, as were the size and elongation of grains in the film and the completeness of the film failure.

Delamination of an optical coating occurred when it was subjected to a low-adhesion tape pull test. The optical coating could not be seen on the tape by the naked eye, but with the use of the Nomarski phase interference contrast microscopy, it was easily visible, as were the size and elongation of grains in the film and the completeness of the film failure.

Delamination failure of an optical coating when subjected to a low adhesive tape pull test. The peeled coating is seen on the tape surface, though it could not be seen by the naked eye.

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