Hardness Testing with a Durometer

The measurement of hardness across different surfaces is a critical aspect of material testing, often accomplished using a durometer. This device determines the resistance of indentation by pressing a needle onto the surface, and the resulting force is converted into a hardness value. To ensure accuracy, the test is conducted at a minimum of three different locations, with each location having a material thickness of at least 6mm. The average of these measurements is then calculated to determine the overall hardness of the material under examination. The Shore A and the Shore D durometers (see Fig. 1 below) have useful applications for multifarious materials.

Shore A and Shore D Durometers for Rubber and Plastic Hardness Testing
Shore A (left) and Shore D (right) Durometers for Polymer Hardness Testing

The Shore A durometer is suited for softer surfaces. Its applications can include: rubber, polyester, leather, wax, etc. The maximum hardness it can measure accurately is 100; anything higher is to be measured by the Shore D.

The Shore D durometer is suited for harder surfaces. Its applications can include: wood, hard rubber, plastics, flooring, bowling balls, etc.

In practical applications, durometers are incredibly versatile, making them invaluable tools across a wide range of industries. For example, Shore D durometers are frequently employed to measure the hardness of high-density polyethylene, highlighting their adaptability to various industrial needs.

A Shore D durometer is shown in use to measure the hardness of high-density polyethylene

Example Results for a Variety of Materials:

Table of Shore A Durometer Measurement Results
Table of Shore D Durometer Hardness Measurement Results

ASTM D2240: Standard Test Method for Rubber Property — Durometer Hardness

ASTM D3363 Standard Test Method for Film Hardness by Pencil Test is usually applied to paint or similar coatings or films on metal or other rigid substrates.  We provide this test capability at AME also.

Please contact us today to discuss your hardness testing needs.