Anderson Materials Evaluation (AME) has extensive experience collaborating with clients in the building materials and construction industries. We specialize in using materials characterization to address various materials issues. Here are some examples of building materials we have worked with:
- Paints
- Shingling
- Coatings on siding
- Drywall materials
- Thermal insulation materials
- Flooring materials
- Window frames and seals
- Explosion-resistant windows and tempered glass
- Roofing materials
- Mortar and cement
- Adhesives and sealants
- Fireproof materials
- Materials for historical restoration
Identifying Causes of Damage or Failure
Our team frequently assists clients in determining the cause of damage or failure in building materials. Common issues we address include:
- Glass shattering
- Blast-resistant window delaminations
- Scratch resistance and other damage causes
- Flooring stains
- Volatile chemical emissions
- Delamination or peeling of coatings and paint from concrete, wood, and metal surfaces
We also measure the static coefficient of friction for flooring and walking surface materials. Additionally, we have identified problems in water pipes, sprinkler systems, swimming pools, HVAC systems, and steam heating systems.
Working with Diverse Clients
AME has collaborated with a range of clients, including:
- Building owners
- Restoration companies
- Project developers
- Building supplies companies
- Companies developing new building materials
We verify that vendor-supplied materials meet required specifications and assess whether materials pose safety problems.
Analytical and Expert Witness Services
Our analytical and expert witness services have proven valuable to building material manufacturers and building owners. For instance, Dr. Charles Anderson served as a technical expert witness for a building products manufacturer in an intellectual property theft case, resulting in a Connecticut record for damages and costs. He has also provided expert testimony in cases involving:
- Swimming pool ladder corrosion
- Window damage from concrete cleaning products
- Grout coloration
- Swimming pool deck slippage
- Paint peeling
- Laminate delamination due to adhesive degradation
- Cabinet stain and protective coatings
Our Building and Construction Clients
Our customers include a variety of stakeholders in the building and construction industries.
Acorn Engineering | Lantz Construction Co. of Winchester |
AIMCO | Levolor Div. of Newell Rubbermaid |
Alliance Environmental | Lithonia Lighting of Hydrel |
Architecture by Design, Inc. | Martin Marietta Materials |
Associates Plumbing Inc. | Moen |
B. F. Saul Property Co. | Mueller Copper Tube |
Balmar | Navigant Consulting (former Peterson Companies) |
BECC Inc. | New Dimensions Solutions, LLC |
Boatman & Magnani, Inc. | Omni Excavators, Inc. |
Boise Cascade | Overhead Door |
Bosch Security Systems | Performance Industrial Coatings |
Bowles Fluidics Corporation | Pernix Group, Inc. |
Building Dynamics, LLC | Peter Kohler Windows and Entrance Systems |
Building Engineering-Consultants, Inc. | Peterson Management |
Building Envelope Consulting Group | Pilkington North America |
Building Exterior Solutions, LLC | PRI Asphalt Technologies |
CCS Project Management | REIT Management & Research |
CeraTech | RHI, Inc. |
Chandler & Associates | RIC |
ClimateCraft Inc. | RMF Engineering, Inc. |
Clopay | Rothfuss Engineering |
Congoleum | S. C. Herman & Associates, Inc. |
CresTechnologies | Saco Industries, Inc. |
Criterium-Yingst Engineers | Sherwin-Williams Company |
CuraFlo Mid Atlantic | Site Realty Group |
Dauphin North America | Sonata LLC |
Emerson Climate Technologies | Southern Cross Building Products |
Engineering & Technical Consultants, Inc. | Spears/Votta and Associates |
Environmental Consultants + Contractors, Inc. | Standard Signs, Inc. |
Forensic Analysis & Engineering Corp. | Structural Preservation Systems |
G.C. Zarnas & Co. | Structural Rehabilitation Group |
Glacier Garlock Bearings N.A. | Tadjer-Cohen-Edelson Associates, Inc. |
Government Services Administration (GSA) | Thomas L. Brown & Associates, PC |
Grace Construction Products | Thomas Properties Group |
Harbor East Development Group | TIVOLITOO, INC. |
Harder Mechanical Contractors | Tower Industries, Ltd. |
Haworth | URS Corporation |
Herrington Harbour South | W.M. Schlosser Co. |
ICF Concrete Additives, LLC | W.W. Henry Company |
Industrial Product Formulators, Inc. | Western Summit / Pizzagalli |
Keswick Hall | Westmoreland Cooperative |
Kiewit Building Group, Inc. | Weston Solutions |
Kinsley Properties | Whitlock, Dalrymple, and Poston Associates |
Knott Reality Group | Whitney Bailey Cox Magnani |
LAM International Corporation |