Comprehensive Analytical Testing Services at Anderson Materials Evaluation
At Anderson Materials Evaluation, our independent materials analysis laboratory is dedicated to providing top-tier analytical testing services. Our team of Ph.D. scientists employs a wide array of advanced analytical techniques to deliver thorough analysis and consulting services to clients across numerous industries.
In-House Analytical Testing Techniques
We utilize many advanced analytical techniques to address a wide range of materials challenges. Often, we combine several techniques to comprehensively tackle complex, multi-dimensional materials issues. Our in-house capabilities include:
- X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS): Surface elemental and chemical analysis
- Wavelength-Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (XRF): Elemental analysis
- Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS): Elemental analysis
- Thermal Analysis: TGA, DSC, TMA (thermal expansion), Thermal Conductivity/Effusivity
- FTIR Infrared Spectroscopy: Bond group identification, especially organic materials
- X-ray Diffraction (XRD): Crystal structure and chemical phase identification
- UV-Vis Spectrophotometry: Absorption and reflectivity measurements
- Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS): Separation of organic compounds, including headspace volatile organic measurements
- SEM/EDS: Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy-Dispersive X-ray Emission Spectroscopy
- Optical Microscopy: Keyence 4K Digital 3D, metallographic, inspection
- Surface Profiling and Surface Roughness Measurements
- Polarimetry
- Mechanical Testing: Tensile, compressive, bending, polymer/elastomer hardness
- Electrical Testing: Conductivity, carrier concentration, mobility, Hall Coefficient, magnetoresistance
- Corrosion Analysis
- Residual Gas Mass Spectroscopy (RGA)
- Surface Contact Angle Measurements
- Surface Contamination Measurements
- Adhesive Bonding Failure Analysis
- Facility Testing for Silicone Contamination: Ambient airborne, ovens, surface transfer
- Metallography and Fractography
- Density and Porosity Measurements
- Volatile Organic Component Testing: California TGA VOC testing, GC-MS with headspace
- Heavy Metals Testing
- Static Coefficient of Friction Measurement
Continual Upgrades to Analytical Capabilities
We continually upgrade and expand our suite of analytical techniques and custom methods to support our clients’ evolving needs.
To learn more about our in-house analytical testing services, please visit our “Analysis Capabilities” section on the menu on the left. Additionally, through our extensive network of consultants and partnerships with other laboratories, we offer access to a range of supplementary techniques not available in-house.
Contact Us
If you need specific analytical testing services or have any questions, please contact us through our online form, call us at (410) 740-8562, or email us at contactus@andersonmaterials.com. If we cannot support your needs directly, we can often refer you to a laboratory that can.
For a comprehensive overview, you can download a summary of our capabilities here.